- Security and privacy online
- Voice payments
- Is the voice part of our image?
- The language of biometrics is unknown to most people…
- BiometrIQ birthday. 5 years behind us.
- Check who your voice is similar to
- Vesper project summary. 1st half of 2024
- Do deadbots have more threats or benefits?
- Legal regulation can prevent deepfakes. Scarlett Johansson’s case
- Age verification for purchases of limited sale items
- Using the voices of famous people
- We focus on accessibility. We design with the digitally excluded in mind
- Authentication based on lips and facial movements
- Voice biometrics help fight crime
- Vesper – safe voice communication platform with integration of biometric services
- New voice biometrics product for authentication
- Voice biometrics application in medicine
- Benefits and risks of voice technologies in the car industry
- Biometrics in the gaming industry
- Elimination of security threats to biometric systems
- 4 facts of voice biometrics
- Green business. How we act for sustainable development
- 5 tips to protect your voice from theft
- Privacy in voice biometrics
- Voice biometrics is not only for banks. Development prospects
- Multi-factor authentication (voice) – strong protection against hackers
- VoiceToken. Voice login has never been so easy
- Facial and document liveness as a modern authorization method
- Voice authentications – 5 reasons for YES
- Network audit service for biometrics. What is this?
- BiometrIQ and ID R&D announce strategic partnership
- How voice technologies change our lives? “Stop voice theft” panel, IGF 2022
- Deepfake detection loses accuracy somewhere between brain and mouth
- Pindrop’s future for voice biometrics