Better security starts with biometric authentication
BiometrIQ is a technology start-up, focused on advanced biometric technologies. The company runs numerous research projects aiming at development of new methods to fight fraudulent attacks in voice biometric systems. BiometrIQ activity covers complete value chain from tests and analysis to implementation of biometric systems.
The company is also involved in consulting activities. It carries out audits aimed at assessing the possibility of implementing voice biometric systems for communication channels serving customers. BiometrIQ uses its own modern biometric laboratory and knowledge of experts from polish universities and research institutions such as AGH in Krakow, Warsaw Technical University, Lublin University or NASK-PIB.
Our activities
Biometric systems implementation

Modern voice biometric laboratory

Company values

Openness to innovations
We appreciate the importance of technology in the world around us, we support its development. We are constantly looking for better technological solutions. We believe that innovations accelerate changes and improve quality and comfort of society’s life.

We care about safety at every stage of our activity. In research processes, we use environmentally safe technologies and materials. We want to offer solutions (ideas of solutions) that are completely safe and effective to use. Their unique feature is contactlessness

We use the experience of our own experts as well as research and scientific units. We believe that cooperation is an indispensable element of our work culture, which in turn translates into very high quality services, research or generated analyzes

We counteract digital exclusion, we develop our technologies for people who lack knowledge or their knowledge about online threats is negligible. We focus on the safety and universal use of our solutions by all people, including people with disabilities

Paweł Michocki
An expert in the field of authorized interception and data analysis. He gained over 20 years of experience working in scientific institutions (Lublin University of Technology, Department of Electronic Metrology) and business in management positions at SIM, including as Director of the Construction Department. Project management (PRINCE 2, PMI) and industrial property protection expert. Co-creator of the Comprec correspondence registration system architecture. Co-author of many patent applications and grants. He obtained his master’s degree at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of Lublin University of Technology and MBA at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, College of Business (USA).
He’s interested in new technologies, volleyball and mountain tourism.
Andrzej Tymecki
Managing director
Pianist, mountain climber, road cyclist. An expert in the field of new technologies, associated with the ICT industry for over 20 years. He carried out his master’s thesis at the INESC Institute in Porto. He gained experience while working in expert and managerial positions, e.g. in NETIA, ORANGE, EXATEL, and supervisory bodies of capital companies. Managed numerous research and development projects within corporate structures, financed from EU funds (FP7, HORIZON2020) and in international organizations (CENELEC, IEC). Author of international publications in the field of telecommunications. Since 1998, he has chaired the Polish delegation in the international standardization committees IEC and CENELEC. Sponsor of one of the first SOC projects in the telecommunications industry in Poland. He is active as an entrepreneur and investor, supporting the development of innovative companies and innovative concepts. Passionate about logic and philosophy, connoisseur of beauty.